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Dynamis entre 27 empreses socials innovadores de 9 països del SEFORIS

seforis map27 Case Studies of Social Enterprises: First Highlights

SEFORÏS has recently concluded an unusually high load of interviews all relating to 27 social enterprises in 9 countries.
The aim is to enrich our understanding of social enterprises through the in-depth study of especially chosen social enterprises. No less than 236 interviews were conducted. The cases gather information about governance, finance, innovation, impact and context, the 5 core research areas of SEFORÏS. The formal analysis is still in preparation but some preliminary conclusions can already be highlighted. SEFORÏS researcher Georgiana Nitulescu, who coordinated the case studies, jotted down some first insights. Read them here.

Testimonials from social entrepreneurs who participated:

“I am convinced that social entrepreneurs make a huge impact regarding  social innovations in Europe. The results that are generated in the context of SEFORÏS do contribute to gain attention as well as awareness of politicians and decision makers within the political fields.” 
Rose Volz-Schmidt, founder and CEO of wellcome (Germany)
“Engaging in this research project has proved unexpectedly encouraging. Taking the time to genuinely review what we do and why we do it has also sharpened our thinking.”
Richard Nicol, CEO of Midlands Together (UK)
“Many of us working at Volontärbyrån, were interviewed about our business during the participation in the case study. It is always exciting and instructive to reflect on your own operation with the help of others; in this case SEFORÏS.”
Maria Alslander, CEO of Volontärbyrån (Sweden)
“Our mission is to generate a model for social, environmental and economic transformation. Participating in SEFORÏS makes us feel in a good company, and helps us reflect on ourselves and share knowledge.”
Oriol Costa Lechuga, CEO of Dynamis (Spain)



Triatlón de Crecimiento Personal

Teatro + Constelaciones + Rebirthing

Días sábado 28 y domingo 29 de marzo de 2015.

En Mamakilla (Santa Llogaia del Terri, a 10minutos de Girona) Llegir més

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Dynamis en profunditat a TV Girona al “Empresa x Tots”

En aquest programa es presenta Dynamis en profunditat,  especialment pel repte de la cooperació empresarial, i  com es genera l’economia associativa fins a l’economia social.

Ens acompanyeu?
Llegir més

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Una Societat Anònima per promoure l’economia regional ecològica!

És una gran satisfacció trobar allò que fa temps que estàs buscant. I si la investigació és des de fa

temps, llavors encara més! Una Societat Anònima per promoure l’economia regional ecològica!

L’emprenedor social Christian Hiss va iniciar el projecte Regionalwert a Alemanya (Friburg), una

regió com dos cops Girona en superfície i població.

Avui ja aglutina més de 500 socis inversors particulars amb un capital de 3M€.

Accedeix a l’article complert d’EcoRegio a la Revista Girosalut Febrer >>